She told me that her Grandmother had been very upset over British Gas prices including termination fees. I had never heard of penalties being applied for termination with them. So it seems that if you wish to change your supplier, you should be aware of unforeseen charges.
I rang British Gas and although the advice was a bit more reassuring, there is indeed a cancellation fee for certain tariffs.
These are:- Fixed price Tariff: £70 for gas
.................“ ...... “ .....“.... £30 for electricity.
Price Protection Tariff : these vary between £30 - £45
These are for year 2010 since there is only the December quarter left for 2009 and there is no cancellation fee.
Track and save Tariff for 2010: the cancellation fee is £30 each for Gas or electricity
We are being advised by the Police and other agencies to be very careful before letting anyone in. It is NOT GOOD ENOUGH that they flash an identity tag or badge at you since they could manufacture or get these anywhere.
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO IS TO TELEPHONE YOUR GAS OR ELECTRICITY SUPPLIER and arrange a security word which is specific to you and which you can easily remember. Any caller from the utility concerned must then be able to tell you that word before you let him in.
The utility companies are very helpful in this respect and will happily make this arrangement for you.

So friends be warned.
By the way the nice young lady Community Policeman wanted to take details from me which in the normal way I would have been quite happy to divulge but on my asking, she confirmed my details would go on a computer. Well, no way. Once on a computer it is very hard for you to get them taken off. So do ask what will happen to any information provided. It is quite likely all of us have our details on computers already but I see no reason for us to submit our private information to anyone, even if they are a Community Police Officers.
Be warned.
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